anvilfire is the most popular blacksmithing and metalworking site on the Internet with a current traffic rate of
2.5 million visitors per year.
If you want your Internet advertising seen by the blacksmithing community then anvilfire is the place to be.
anvilfire has over 12,000 web sites and search engines linked to it sending "referrals".
It is found under tens of thousands of search strings and keywords on search engines.
anvilfire is deeply established in the web indexes or "search engines".
It is currently (at the time of this writing) number one under blacksmithing on Yahoo!, Google and other important indexes.
This is a position took us three years to achieve and we still maintain it
(NOTE: Positioning changes weekly and we may not be #1 when you check, but we are always in the top 10).
To maintain this positioning we have an aggressive program of search engine optimization like no other blacksmithing site.
Our advertisers get the benefit of our positioning without taking years to get noticed.
This positioning means we are found by NEW users every day.
anvilfire has dynamic content including three forums that change constantly,
a news page and a story page .
Our forums are distinct from all others on the Internet.
We have the only active daily blacksmithing chat on the web and our NEWS is the only blacksmithing photojournalism on the web.
Our iForge page is the only place on the web that new instructions with drawings appear regularly!
This dynamic content brings regular users back over and over.
anvilfire's users are primarily metal workers.
Many are professionals and many amateurs or part timers.
They range from engineers, blacksmiths and farriers to welders and students.
The majority are based in the US but we have a significant following everywhere English is spoken or there are English speakers.
They all buy tools, machinery and metalworking books and plans.
There is no better targeted market place for tool dealers and manufacturers.