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Blacksmithing and metalworking questions answered.
Blacksmithing and Metalworking Tools Historical Preservation.
Nils Lou
The Art of Firing
Designing, building and trouble shooting kilns
96 Pages, B&W and color images, size 7-1/2 x 10 inches
by Jock Dempsey
Published by:
A & C Black, London
and in the US by
Gentle Breeze
Oviedo, Florida
Price £14.99 UK - $24.95 US
ISBN 1-889-25011-2
Available from potter's suppliers.
Nils Lou
The Art of Firing
Designing, building and trouble shooting kilns
96 Pages, B&W and color images, size 7-1/2 x 10 inches
This review is targeted toward metalworkers building gas or oil forges or small melting furnaces.
Click images for enlargements.
Kilns heat up gradually. Forges heat rapidly. In comparison a small blacksmith's forge will use the same BTU's as a much larger kiln.
The discussions on refractories and efficiency are very clear. Hard dense refractories absorb a lot of heat as well as conduct it out of the kiln. All this waste heat must be created by using more fuel. But there are also places where for mechanical reasons hard refractories are needed. This applies to both potters' kilns and blacksmiths' forges.
Modifying atmospheres in electric kilns by the injection of propane and the need to protect the heating elements with ceramic coatings is also covered.
Although this is a small book it covers a lot of ground.
Page 51, Liquid LPG burner with internal evaporator.
Different fuel types are discussed including saw dust and propane. The burner design and operation are applicable to both kiln and forge. One problem common to blacksmith's forges is the need to draw LPG fuel at rates greater than the normal evaporation rates. Liquid fuel burners are discussed and references for in depth study are given.
Pressure is given in inches of water column, orifice size in number drill sizes. Flow is given in cubic feet per hour.
ITC-100 and ITC-296A were used as coatings in a small electric kiln and increased its working temperature from cone 6 to cone 10. ITC-100 protected the heating elements but ITC-213 is recommended for metal parts. The ITC-296A is a high purity coating that has a higher reflectance than the ITC-100
To the right is a temporary kiln made of 3/4" (19mm) plywood! It is coated inside and on the heat exposed edges with ITC-100. This is a single firing (maybe twice) kiln useful for odd shape work or a process that might otherwise damage expensive kiln linings.
The author is an Associate Professor of Art at Linfield College in Oregon and has been a potter for 40 years. While teaching at Hamline University in St.Paul Minnesota he developed the design for the Minnesota Flat Top car kiln. Variations of this kiln have been built in more than 20 countries.
Published by:
A & C Black, London
and in the US by
Gentle Breeze
Oviedo, Florida
Price £14.99 UK - $24.95 US
ISBN 1-889-25011-2
Available from potter's suppliers.
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