AbeBooks, The image you are using for Anvils in America named /9780966325607-us.jpg is NOT a "stock image" it is a copyright work that I own. https://www.abebooks.com/Anvils-America-Richard-Postman/30091383805/bd?cm_mmc=ggl-_-US_Shopp_Trade-_-new-_-naa&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0brtBRDOARIsANMDykbegrM7xBX3l_9L7O4HfTT58GOMB6TGTkhQl_XaKUvTiG6oio5Dk64aApgiEALw_wcB This is a photograph I took in 1998 for this book review: https://www.anvilfire.com/bookrev/postman/postman.htm It is also used on https://www.anvilsinamerica.com/ another one of my websites. The text in your Synopsis are all MY words used as used on the Anvils in America web page. The cover image used for "Mousehole Forge" is also another one of my images I took for our review on anvilfire.com and is found on the AnvilsinAmerica.com website and MouseholeForge.com website. All of which I own. Please remove my images and text from your web site. Jock Dempsey DEMPSEYS FORGE / anvilfire.com 4714 Granite Trail Boonville, NC 27011 336-367-3499 guru@anvilfire.net