anvilfire Tailgate Terms of Service This is a public sales page for listing tools, machinery, goods, advertising your ebay sales and selling anything legal and appropriate for our venue. If you are buying OR selling pleace read and understand these terms and our rules.

Use of this service by buyers or sellers constitutes a release of all responsibility by its owner or advertisers. its owner and advertisers have no control over listings, quality or condition of goods, services or financial dealings between buyer and seller. its owner and advertisers do not warrant the quality of goods or services offered on this web site.   

Buyers are warned to take all due diligence prior to making purchases.

Sellers must use their real name and list a phone number and email address.

The following items MAY NOT be sold on these pages.
Listings shall be for a single item or a group of items being sold together.

Fees on the current system are voluntary and may be submitted via our shopping cart system. Fees are non-refundable.

Fees on our future database driven system with advanced features will be mandatory.

Rights in data and images. reserves the right to use the item descriptions, prices realized and images hosted on our servers

Privacy we will never use, sell or pass on your personal information or email address. We DO NOT spam. However, we may contact registered users annually to remind them to renew their registration. For more details see privacy policy.