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Hand Forging by Thomas F. Googerty

Corner scarfs, lapping, 63
—— welds,  56,  61, 62
——, working a square, 46, 47 Crack, hammering  out  a,  47 Cross  welding,  61,  62 Cubes, 98
Curve  combinations,   21 Curves, decorative value of,  21 Decoration, instinctive love for, 17
——, suitability   of,   19 Design,  appropriateness  of,  18
———, laying  out  a,   22 Designing in  wrought iron,  18
——— scrollwork,   110 Dies, use of, in embossing,  135 Door-keeps and hinges, 168, 169 Door-plate,  method  of  making
a,  177 Door-plates,  171,  173
———, drawings for, 175 Drafting-board  for   scrollwork,
109 Drawer-pull,     constructing     a,
——, making the handle of a, 161, 162
——, outline of plate of, 161
——— with movable handle,   detail of, 160
——— with ring handles, 162
—— with scalloped  plate,  163 Drawer-pulls   and   hinges,   159 Drawing    iron,    heat    required for, 40
—— ——, the   right   and   the wrong way of, 39 the point, 54
Electric lamp,  179 Embossing, 134
———, block and  tools  used in,
End, splitting the, 55 Ends, scroll,  121 End-to-end  weld, 56,  57 Eye, forming  the,  111, 117
——, turning an, 70
——— weld,  first  steps in  making an,  72
——— ——, fitting the prongs in an,   73
Eye,  welded,  from  flat  stock,
Figures, geometrical, 20 Finish for ironwork, 157 Fire, how to build a, 25 Fireside implements made of
square   stock,  twisted,   83 Flat scrollwork, grilles of, 115,
—— stock   welded   into   scroll
shape, 124 Flatters, 35, 36 Flux for welding,  52, 53
——   not   necessary   for   welding,  52
——, sand   sometimes  used  as,
Forge, the, 24
Forge-shop and tools, 24, 30 Forging light pieces, 34
——, materials used in,  27
——, the secret of good, 25
Forgings,  solid, 48
Former for scroll-bending, 111,
114 Forming   a   scroll,   method   of,
——• the body of a scroll,  112 Forms,  raised,  150,  154 Frame  for a marble  table-top, 149
—— for teakettle and burner,
147,  150 Fuel, 24 Fullers, 35, 37 Furniture,  hinges for,  165 Geometrical figures, 20
——— forms, 21
Grille, design  for a,  20
———,   design  of  corner,  117
———, scroll-and-twist,   87
———, square   window,   23
——— work, 86
——'——, leaf and  scroll,  109
—— ——, twists for, 82 Grilles of flat scrollwork, 115,
118 Hammering,  38
—— the steps, 54
Hammer used in raising, 153
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194 HAND - FORGING Corner scarfs, lapping, 63 -- welds, 56, 61, 62 --, working a square, 46, 47 Crack, hammering out a, 47 Cross welding, 61, 62 Cubes, 98 Curve combinations, 21 Curves, decorative value of, 21 Decoration, instinctive love for, 17 --, suitability of, 19 Design, appropriateness of, 18 ---, laying out a, 22 Designing in wrought iron, 18 --- scrollwork, 110 Dies, use of, in embossing, 135 Door-keeps and hinges, 168, 169 Door-plate, method of making a, 177 Door-plates, 171, 173 ---, drawings for, 175 Drafting-board for scrollwork, 109 Drawer-pull, constructing a, 159 --, making the handle of a, 161, 162 --, outline of plate of, 161 --- with movable handle, detail of, 160 --- with ring handles, 162 -- with scalloped plate, 163 Drawer-pulls and hinges, 159 Drawing iron, heat required for, 40 -- --, the right and the wrong way of, 39 the point, 54 Electric lamp, 179 Embossing, 134 ---, block and tools used in, 134 End, splitting the, 55 Ends, scroll, 121 End-to-end weld, 56, 57 Eye, forming the, 111, 117 --, turning an, 70 --- weld, first steps in making an, 72 --- --, fitting the prongs in an, 73 Eye, welded, from flat stock, _71 Figures, geometrical, 20 Finish for ironwork, 157 Fire, how to build a, 25 Fireside implements made of square stock, twisted, 83 Flat scrollwork, grilles of, 115, 118 -- stock welded into scroll shape, 124 Flatters, 35, 36 Flux for welding, 52, 53 -- not necessary for welding, 52 --, sand sometimes used as, 52 Forge, the, 24 Forge-shop and tools, 24, 30 Forging light pieces, 34 --, materials used in, 27 --, the secret of good, 25 Forgings, solid, 48 Former for scroll-bending, 111, 114 Forming a scroll, method of, 114 --• the body of a scroll, 112 Forms, raised, 150, 154 Frame for a marble table-top, 149 -- for teakettle and burner, 147, 150 Fuel, 24 Fullers, 35, 37 Furniture, hinges for, 165 Geometrical figures, 20 --- forms, 21 Grille, design for a, 20 ---, design of corner, 117 ---, scroll-and-twist, 87 ---, square window, 23 --- work, 86 --'--, leaf and scroll, 109 -- --, twists for, 82 Grilles of flat scrollwork, 115, 118 Hammering, 38 -- the steps, 54 Hammer used in raising, 153

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