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Anvils in America, THE book about anvils

Blacksmithing and metalworking questions answered.

Blacksmithing and Metalworking Tools Historical Preservation.

International Ceramics Products Anvil Gallery

Anvils, Amboß, incudine, el yunque, bigornia, städ, incus, aambeeld, batente, Hay-Budden, Mousehole

Anvils, Amboß, l'enclume, incudine, el yunque, bigornia,
städ, incus, aambeeld, batente

Old Millstone Forge Museum - Millstone New Jersey Anvils of the world, American, British, Chinese, French, German, ancient and modern. Images from the Ferdinand, Prillwitz and Greenwood collections and the anvilfire image collection.

This collection is the result of many years work by many people. It is the work of the collectors such as Ken and Lenny Lyda-Ferdinand and dealers such as Steve Prillwitz of Matchless Antiques who have graciously taken the time and donated photographs. More may follow. It is also the work of those who have donated and/or given permission to use their photographs. Lastly it is the work of the anvilfire guru, Jock Dempsey, who took many of the photos and has digitally reworked all the images many of which are now digital paintings as much as photographs.

The purpose of this collection is to be a free on-line museum of historical and modern anvils for the curious and for the student. In particular it is for those that think all anvils look alike and those that design new anvils who should know what has come before and what has worked. There are many historical designs that can be improved upon very little and many modern copies that are poorly produced.

New anvils are few in this collection simply because we do not have the photos. It is a sad fact that our industry generally does a very poor job of presenting their product or does so in such small images that it is difficult to tell anything about the product.

This is a continuing project. We have launched it with over 40 anvils but expect to have over 100 when the project is finished. If you have photos you would like to donate we would be happy to consider them.

Saturday Jul 27, 2024 - 20/27
Anvils should only be repaired if they are completely unusable as-is, NEVER for cosmetic purposes. If you have to ask how to repair an anvil you probably do not have the skills to do so. Anvils are made using various methods and materials that affect how they should be repaired OR if its possible to repair them. Machining an anvil almost always ruins it. The best course of action is to dress the anvil as little as possible then use it until you understand what makes an anvil unusable or not.

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