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The Revolutionary Blacksmith

The Revolutionary Blacksmith

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$9.95 + S&H and tax if applicable.

ISBN 0-9755590-1-x

The Revolutionary Blacksmith

by Jim Paw-Paw Wilson
Illustrated by Jock Dempsey and Walt Sherill

Historical fiction set during the American revolution.

Softcover, 237 Pages, 88 B&W drawings, size 5 x 7 inches

The title of this book is a bit tongue in cheek. The story takes place during the American revolutionary war but the main character is also revolutionary in his life and work.

The Revolutionary Blacksmith is a story about the life of a young blacksmith in Colonial America. As the story progresses it includes descriptions of the work he does including illustrations - some showing how items are made step by step.

The story is also a polite old fashioned romance. Written to engage adults it is family safe for any age. Read it to your children, or with your children OR just for you.

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